Introducing InMobi Reflections by Ian Anderson

InMobi Reflection juuchini

We rarely stop to think of how technology works regardless of using it practically every day. We only focus on the delivery that the technology brings without really fussing over the intricacies of the hows and the ifs and the whens. We just sit and enjoy the experience. There’s a breed of us however who are keen enough to wonder what goes on behind the scenes and how this technology delivers what it brings forth. It is for this reason that InMobi has decided to share insights on technology that they consider to be great. This will come in a series of blog posts meant to provide a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at efforts made to tackle challenges of creating a world-class ad network like InMobi. This entails the details of how the hardware is run as well as the algorithms that go into the math i.e. the software involved. InMobi has been growing over the past year or so despite having to close its physical office in Africa. Some of its products have seen good exponential usage growth and the product base has grown as well and forced them, like any good company, to innovate and to keep innovating. It is for their innovation that InMobi was just this year, listed on MIT’s Technology Review as the one of the Top 50 Disruptive Companies for 2013. This is what has prompted InMobi to start this blog series to discuss some of what is consider
ed deep technology e.g. :

  • An introduction to Apache Falcon, a project created at InMobi and open sourced earlier this year
  • Our experiences with garbage collection ergonomics in the JVM
  • Approaches to handling unusual data distributions
This article has been adopted from the InMobi blog written by Ian Anderson.
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