Samsung has announced the Samsung Z3; an advanced Tizen-based smartphone that offers powerful performance and easy customization via exclusive, localized features including a “My Galaxy” for easy access to nearby rewards and benefits.
Featuring a crisp 5-inch HD (High Definition) resolution display, the Samsung Z3 delivers a great media consumption experience with its SUPER AMOLED technology for clearer, deeper images, and an 8MP Bright Lens camera to capture high quality images. The Z3 also comes with an ‘Ultra-Data Saving Mode’ that minimizes mobile data usage as well as ‘Ultra Power Saving Mode’ for continuous performance with low battery life.
“As a pioneer of Tizen platform, we have continuously introduced Tizen-based mobile devices, including Samsung Z1 and Samsung Gear S2, in our commitment to develop the Tizen ecosystem. We developed the Samsung Z3 to provide the features that will help consumers capitalize on the growing Tizen ecosystem and make the most out of their personal mobile experience,” commented JK Shin, CEO and Head of IT & Mobile Business at Samsung Electronics.
Advanced Viewing and Camera Capabilities – The 5-inch display on the Z3 has an ‘Automatic Selfie’ for selfies with facial recognition, ‘Beauty Face Mode’ which automatically retouches images for flawless skin and a ‘Wide Selfie’ mode that captures up to 120 degrees of the users’ surroundings for the perfect group selfie shot.
Long Battery Life and Optimized Data Usage – The Z3 has a 2,600mAh battery in the device and this also has the ‘Ultra Power Saving Mode,’ feature which allows users to operate on standby for up to 33 hours with less than 10% battery life. ‘Ultra Data Saving Mode,’ is also available and this does basic data compression and management capabilities getting a user about 40% less mobile data usage ensuring a cost-saving on data.
The device is currently on sale in India and it comes with a section called ‘My Galaxy’ which offers consumers some exclusive services, local deals, entertainment content, continuous value on extensively used categories like recharge, travel, movies, fashion etc and post purchase assistance.
The Samsung Z3 additionally features the ‘Mix Radio’ app and this streaming music on the customers device for free with over 35 million songs to choose from, including extensive local catalogue of over 10 genres of Indian music.
The Samsung Z3 is currently priced at KES 13,500 and will be available in India from October in Gold, Black and Silver options.
Other features of the Samsung Z3 are as per the chart below: